Salesforce Brings a More Connected Partner Experience (November 2020)

Salesforce brings a better partner community experience!

More Personalized Partner Community Experience In the Partner Community, you can learn, grow, innovate, and lead throughout your partner journey with the world’s #1 CRM company, Salesforce! Salesforce’s main goal has never changed as it is to create a common platform, equally accessible for all partners, regardless of where they are in their partner lifecycle. […]

Salesforce Experience Cloud Best Practices! (Personalize Your Customer Journeys)

Salesforce Experience Cloud Best Practices

What is Salesforce Experience Cloud? Salesforce Community Cloud is stepping aside for the new kid in town: Experience Cloud! As you may know, the old good Community Cloud helps you build more communities with portals, help centers, forums, sites, and mobile apps and as it stands for helping you to provide many types of experiences, […]