Salesforce Brings a More Connected Partner Experience (November 2020)

Salesforce brings a better partner community experience!

More Personalized Partner Community Experience In the Partner Community, you can learn, grow, innovate, and lead throughout your partner journey with the world’s #1 CRM company, Salesforce! Salesforce’s main goal has never changed as it is to create a common platform, equally accessible for all partners, regardless of where they are in their partner lifecycle. […]

Drie redenen om te werken met een Consultant Partner voor Salesforce implementatie

Waarom heb je een Consultant Partner nodig voor Salesforce?

De ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieën en innovaties drijft ons toe om hieruit voordelen te halen. Het participeren aan de digitale transformatie is een grote uitdaging voor de meeste bedrijven. De trein missen is geen optie, maar toch zitten we met een dilemma hoe goed het is voor ons? Dit zijn de meest gestelde vragen: ⚡ […]

3 Reasons to Work with Salesforce Partner & Tips for Choosing the Best One!

Everything you should know about Salesforce Consultancy

The massive development in new technologies and innovations drives us to take advantage of it. However, even with the big motivation for joining the digital transformation, we mostly encounter the dilemma of how to do it properly for our business. There’s no surprise that we all ask such questions like; How can I deploy new […]

What is Salesforce?

Everything you should know about Salesforce.

As a cloud-based customer relationship platform, Salesforce brings companies and customers together with a single view of information. Different than local CRM’s out there, Salesforce has grown to provide a much wider range of services than basics. That’s why it is known a 360-scale Customer Success platform and world’s leading CRM platform! Salesforce platform comes […]

We’re Excited to Announce Tekna has Rebranded as Vesium!

We are rebranded as Vesium.

Say Hi to Vesium! We are happy to announce that we’ve rebranded as Vesium with our new logo and website to provide our customers with a brand unique experience! Vesium marks an essential milestone in our journey, providing an opportunity to reflect our mission globally as we move forward into an exciting future. For us, […]